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Hope Cove Weekend
August Bank Holiday 2024
Sunday Events

Welcome to Hope Cove Weekend - Sunday 25th August 2023

Main sponsors

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Hope Cove Weekend 'Programme of Events' is on sale at:

The Hope Cove Store

Hope Cove Weekend 'Hub'

Malborough Post office

Hope Cove House

Hope + Anchor

The Cove

Harbourmaster's Hut

The Cottage Hotel

Please note, all events timings are subject to change, please ask at information points and listen
to tannoy announcements for timings, registration etc.
Judges decisions are final!

Sunday 28th August

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A fun filled Sunday awaits, with something for everyone.

Which activities are for you?

  • Beach Yoga
  • Sailing Race
  • Celebration Service
  • Paddle Board Race
  • Kayak Race
  • Land + Sea Race
  • Swimming Races
  • Crazy Sports
  • Music is the Square
  • Fancy Dress

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Sunday Event Sponsors

Marcus Longbottom

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Due to the adverse weather conditions the Harbour Master has decided that all craft based activities at sea should not go ahead today. Therefore the following activities have been cancelled - paddleboarding, kayak, sailing, swimming and land + sea races and the fishing compettion.

Rise and Shine Beach Yoga

Registration 8:45am

Kindly sponsored by:

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Harbour Beach
Beach Yoga registration

Harbour Beach
Rise and Shine Yoga

Sponsored by:
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Rise and Shine Yoga with Simply Soulful Yoga

Cost: £5:00 - all money goes to HCW

Please bring a mat or towel with you

Sailing Race

CANCELLED due to adverse weather conditions

Kindly sponsored by:

Stacks Image 2297




Registration before 9:15am
Harbour Beach
Registration - Sailing Race

Start: 10:00am
Harbour Beach - Bigbury Bay
Sailing Race

Sponsored by:
Stacks Image 2375
90 minute pursuit race with handicap start as per Plymouth Yardstick ratings. The course will be laid the morning of the race with competitors informed of the course once on the water by the race boat.

Participants must sign a declaration of responsibility, including confirmation of public liability insurance.
Entry fee: £5

Life jackets or Buoyancy Aids must be worn
The race will commence at 10:00 on Monday 26th August (high tide approx 10:38). Register with John Tiner on the Outer Hope slipway by no later than 09:15. You will be required to sign a declaration of responsibility including confirmation of your public liability insurance. Please ensure you are on the water by no later than 09:50 ready to receive course instructions and your starting time . At the end of the race the race boat will inform the 1st, 2nd and 3rd boats of their standing. Prize giving will be at the top of the Outer Hope slipway once all the boats have returned to the beach.

Paddle Board Race

CANCELLED due to adverse weather conditions

Kindly sponsored by:

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Start: 10:00am
Harbour Beach

Sponsored by:
Stacks Image 2556
Harbour Beach (Start + Finish)
Parents must sign disclaimer for those under 18.
Prizes for 1st Place:
Under 16.

Lifejackets or bouyancy aids must be worn.

Kayak Race

CANCELLED due to adverse weather conditions

Kindly sponsored by:

Stacks Image 2383



Start: 10:30am
Harbour Beach

Sponsored by:
Stacks Image 2443
Harbour Beach (Start + Finish)

. Sit-on top + Sit-in
. Men
. Women
. Under 16 years

Disclaimer for all kayakers under 18 years

Lifejackets or buoyancy aids must be worn.

Land + Sea Race

CANCELLED due to adverse weather conditions

Kindly sponsored by:

Marcus Longbottom



Harbour Beach

Sponsored by:

Marcus Longbottom

Launch from Harbour Beach
Team of 2 start in their boat, row to the beach then the runner speeds to the Inner Hope Slipway. The rower should be back at Inner Hope to pick up the runner before rowing back to Harbour Beach.
Muscle power and rowing boats only!
Buoyancy aids must be worn.

Lifejackets or buoyancy aids must be worn.

Swimming Races

CANCELLED due to adverse weather conditions

Kindly sponsored by:

Stacks Image 3412



Harbour Beach

Sponsored by:
Stacks Image 3415
Various age categories
Distances vary according to age

Start and finish will be in the water

Prizes in each category

Celebration Service

Starts: 11:30am



Outer Hope - Main Square

Crazy Sports

Start: 12:00pm
Finish: 1:30pm

Kindly sponsored by:

Stacks Image 3372



Start: 12:00pm
Harbour Beach Arena

Sponsored by:
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Held on Harbour Beach
Teams of 4
Prize for 1st Adult team (16+) and 1st Children's team.
Register teams by 10.15 on the beach.
Prepare to get wet and sandy!!

Family Sandcastle Competition


Kindly sponsored by:

Stacks Image 3421



Harbour Beach

Sponsored by:
Stacks Image 3451
Boys and Girls 5 & 6 
Boys and Girls 7 & 8 
Boys and Girls 9 – 11 
Girls 12 – 15 
Boys 12 – 15 
Men 16+ 
Women 16+ 

Start and finish will be in the water

Prizes in each category

Fancy Dress


Kindly sponsored by:

Stacks Image 2891



Harbour Beach

Sponsored by:
Stacks Image 2886
Prizes for best:

. Group
. Pair
. Adult
. Child
. Float

Musical entertainment

Sunday afternoon

Kindly sponsored by:

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3:00pm - 5:00pm
Outer Hope Square
Cove Stage
Ben Carr - Open Mic

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After 5:00pm
Outer Hope Square
Cove Stage
Milo Griffiths

Nothing here
Nothing here
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