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Hope Cove Weekend
August Bank Holiday 2024

Just in case you were wondering, Hope Cove Weekend 2024 begins in …..


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HCW Fireworks
HCW continues to look for donations on their Go Fund Me page to help offset the cost of the Fireworks.
Please give generously to support this integral part of the weekend.

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Welcome to the Hope Cove Weekend

We are pleased to welcome everyone to the Hope Cove Weekend over the August Bank Holiday.

The weekend is packed with fun activities for everyone.

Our much loved beach activities include:
. Jogger's race . Beach yoga
. Sea fishing . Sandcastle Competitions
. Paddle boarding races
. Kayak races . Land and Sea Race
. Family Sports . Country Dancing
. Fancy Dress . Dog Fancy Dress
. Sailing race . Tug of War
. Open water swim . Pilates
. Beach Flags

. A range of F+B + craft stalls

. Fireworks. . Country dancing

Music by:
. Filthy Gorgeous . The Penguins
. Ben Carr . Milo Griffiths

With most of the activities and entertainment FREE we encourage donations with all proceeds going to a range of local charities.

'Programme of Events' is on sale at:

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The Hope Cove Store

Hope Cove Weekend Information Desk

Malborough Post office

Hope Cove House

Hope + Anchor Pub

The Cove

Harbourmaster's Hut

The Cottage Hotel

Latest news

HCW Volunteers
To make the magic happen over the weekend we need lots of volunteers in a variety of roles to help out.
Volunteers meeting is on:
Sunday 18h August at 10:30
in the Games Room at the Cottage Hotel.
New additions to the website
We have added a new page 'Fun activities".
Check it out to view photos from HCW of yesteryear

and guess the year.
Or try out the photo puzzles - compete with others for the quickest time or fewest moves.
HCW Committee
We are always looking for committee members to bring their expertise to the event. If you are interested in joining this great team please contact us via email:

Updated: 04.08.23

Updated: 24.06.23

Updated: 03.09.22


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Ken Edwards

Marcus Longbottom

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Jason + Lindsey Dalby

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Activities running over the whole weekend

Raffle Draw

All weekend: enquiry at the Information Point

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Our ever popular Raffle Draw tickets will be on sale over the weekend.

Priced at £1 per ticket - £5 per book.

Many thanks to all our Raffle Draw sponsors for their generosity

Raffle prizes

Photo Competition

All weekend: enquiry at the Information Point

Sponsorship available

With so much going on over the Hope Cove Weekend it is a great opportunity to capture the many magical moments with photographs.
Send in your best photos of HCW 24 - the best of which will be awarded with HCW medals at the Closing Ceremony.

The deadline for entries: Midnight on Sunday 25th August

Send photographs to:

Photograph disclaimer

Photographs submitted to the "Photograph Competition' and any other photographs/film/comments taken over the weekend as a record of the day may appear on this website, social media platforms and other official HCW media outlets - online or in print.

Treasure Hunt

All weekend: enquiry at the Information Point

Kindly sponsored by:

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Start from 9:00am - Saturday
Information Point

Finish at 11:30am - Monday
Return to the Information Point

Sponsored by:
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Fun for all with the HCW Treasure Hunt

Collect the Treasure Hunt from the Information Point after 8:45am and return by 11:30am

Rock Pooling

All weekend: enquiry at the Information Point

Kindly sponsored by:

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From 9:00am

All weekend

Sponsored by:
Rock-pooling this year won't be a competition to collect as many sea-creatures as you can, but instead an exploration to see if you can find certain species without removing them from their natural habitat.
Identification sheets are available from the Information Point in Outer Hope Square.
Every participant will be given a sea-life keyring on return of their sheet.


All weekend

Kindly supported by:

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from 3:00pm

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from 5:00pm

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from 9:00pm

after the fireworks

from 8:00pm

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Local History

Saturday, Sunday + Monday
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Saturday, Sunday + Monday
Fishermen's Reading Room

11:00 - 17:00
Inner Hope

. Famous visitors
. Local schools
. Filming in Hop Cove
. Personal memories - wartime and after
. The Lifeboat
. Footpaths and maps
. The wreck of the Jebba
. Cottages and churches